

Conrad Binding is born on 23 December in Frankfurt. He is the second of four sons to baker Daniel Binding and his wife Sibylle (née Bieber).


Against the advice of his father to study law, Conrad Binding commences a brewery apprenticeship at Küfermeister Raumer in Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt.


The first beer bottling plant is commissioned. The brown glass bottles are embossed with the brewery’s name and the neck label specifies the beer type, along with the brand’s trademark eagle and the notice Brauerei-Füllung (‘Brewery filling’).


The first barrel of Binding Römer Pils is tapped.


During World War II, the heavy bombing raids on Frankfurt also resulted in serious damage to the brewery in Sachsenhausen.


A new brewhouse is built.


On August 1 2015, Binding marks its 145th anniversary with huge celebrations in the brewery courtyard.


Binding is proud to be celebrating its 150th anniversary on August 1 2020. Although much has changed since the humble beginnings of the small brewery in Garküchenplatz 150 years ago, one thing has always remained the same: the company’s deep-rooted passion for the artisan craft of Conrad Binding and its home city. As Frankfurt’s authentic original, there’s surely no better way to celebrate this monumental anniversary than another grand party in the brewery courtyard!

The Binding eagle – the brewery’s oldest trademark

Complete with brewer’s insignia and chestplate, the Binding eagle has been the herald of Binding since its foundation and stands as a guarantee of extra-special brewing quality. It is also a symbol of its home city of Frankfurt – its similarity to the eagle in the city’s coat of arms is no coincidence. Although its appearance has changed several times over the years, it has always stood for the finest beer and true loyalty to its roots.